Konsulthuset AB mission statement is ”We want to unleash the power and potential of people to actualize themselves and their business”. Our values are: To create effect to our customers, be authentic, to engaged our customers As a direct consequence thereof we state to be a responsible supplier and all our associates are committed to make this place a better place to live in.
1. Background and purpose
1.1 Konsulthusets engagement to contribute to a sound and sustainable development includes ensuring that all associates operates responsibly and improves the lives of workers, their ccommunities and the environment. We will support the transition towards a sustainable society, in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. This Code of conduct and environmental policy is an important part of, and establishes the basis of, Konsulthusets strategy for a sustainable work frame and the ambition to establish a proactive collaboration with our network in the promotion of lawful, professional and fair practices that integrate the respect for labour practices, human rights, the environment and sound business ethics.
1.2 Konsulthuset commits to take an active part to contribute, within its reasonable sphere of influence, to promote human rights, fair labour practices, fight corruption and promote respect for the environment and is committed to follow the international principles of:
◊ UN Global Compact
◊ UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights https://www.ohchr.org/documents/publications/guidingprinciplesbusinesshr_en.pdf
◊ UN Principles for Responsible Investments
◊ National and International Labour Organization
1.3 We monitor that our associates are in line with the Code of conduct and environmental policy annually at our Q4 meetings through self assessment and dialogue.
1.4 If non compliance is found in the assessment associates will be exposed to an in depth audit. This could lead to corrective measures, actions or termination of corporation. Konsulthuset will be free of any penalties, obligations of compensation by any result of terminations, in full or in parts thereof.
2. Labour
2.1 As Konsulthuset and its associates will comply to this core standards of employment policy’s, a safe and sound working environment as well as fair treatment are the core of our ambition to ”unleash the power and potential of people to actualize themselves and their business”. This is compliant to EU labour Law and principles (Article 153 in particular)
· providing a clear framework of rights and obligations in the workplace,
· protecting the health of the workforce, promoting sustainable economic growth.
i. Written associate or employee contracts
ii. Health and safety process
iii. Free to associate with trade union, and collective bargaining.
iv. No subject to discrimination or harassment of any kind on the basis of gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital status, nationality, political opinion, trade union affiliation, social or ethnic origin or any other status protected by local law.
v. Follow the Swedish law regarding and provide adequate rest, vacation, sick leave, parental leave a s o.
3. Human rights
3.1 As Konsulthuset AB mission statement is ”We want to unleash the power and potential of people to actualize themselves and their business”. As a direct consequence thereof we state to be a responsible supplier and all our associates are committed to make this place a better one, the human rights aspect is central in our statement.
3.2 Konsulthuset and our associates comply to:
vi. Respect human rights in all of our business activities and operations, regardless of gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital status, nationality, political opinion, trade union affiliation, social or ethnic origin
vii. Not to conduct business with any organisation, corporation, affiliate or subsidiaries that do not revere the basic human rights of others.
viii. Not to conduct business with any organisation, corporation, affiliate or subsidiaries that is producing war material.
ix. Not to do business in high-risk areas without a meticulous risk assessment.
4. Environment
4.1 Konsulthuset will act in a sustainable way in all aspects of our businesses. We expect our suppliers and associates to contribute to a sustainable way regarding all products to lower greenhouse gas emissions in all processes possible.
4.2 Konsulthuset and our associates comply to:
i. Follow the current environmental legal requirements.
ii. Prioritize travel by train and minimize driving and flying whenever possible
iii. Facilitate meetings and educations on-line when applicable
iv. Use on-line instead of printing when applicable
v. Choice of hotels and suppliers.
vi. “Don’t clean my room” policy at hotel stay over up to 4 days
5. Business ethics
5.1 As Konsulthuset is a non-profit organisation with no growth objectives our ethics is crucial for our long-term survival. One of our core values is to be authentic. This requires personal accountability. Konsulthuset and all our associates should conduct all businesses in a lawful and democratic ethical standard. We conduct all our business transactions on the basis of the highest ethical standard and laws so that there are never any question marks on our ethical norms and attitudes.
5.2 Konsulthuset and our associates comply to:
i. Comply with the current legal anti-corruption laws and regulations. Not even close to…
ii. If we not deliver the highest standard and result we take accountability
iii. We don not display customer references without written approval.
iv. Comply with the highest personal integrity and ethics regarding confidentiality regarding company, managers, employees and stakeholders. We don’t talk – we do the right thing.
v. Comply with European GDPR regulations. For more info see https://konsulthuset.se/om-konsulthuset/integritetspolicy
vi. We do always sign confidentiality agreements when applicable.
Date: Stockholm 2022-12-21
Konsulthuset Development AB
Thomas Jahrl
Chairman of the board
Associate/Supplier name